Help document for CCP art uploader.

Advertising Upload Help

Your name
The name by which your sales representative knows you.

Your Company
The company for which you have an advertising account.

Your Email
A valid email address where we can send confirmation emails, proofs, or communicate with you during the design process.

Which Publication
Which of our papers is your ad appearing in? Select as many as is appropriate, but at least one must be selected.

Upload Type
Is this art for a new ad, or does it replace or append art in an existing ad?

Ad Size
For which size ad is this art? Please choose a single, valid size (entries with '--' surrounding them are not valid).

Art File
The file to upload, allowed file type are .jpg, .pdf, .tif, and .eps. No other file types will be uploaded through this interface.

Please use this space to communicate additional information to the designers, such as alternate contact information, a description of the file, or any production alerts regarding this file.

If you have any further questions about the upload form, or any other information on this site, please send an email to our web guy and we will respond as soon as possible.

Contributor Upload Help

Your Name
The name by which our editorial team knows you.

Your Email
A valid email address where we can reach you.

Email Confirmation
Would you like an email reciept of your upload?

Which Publication
In which paper is the art intended, or with which editorial team are you working with?

Upload Type
Is this new artwork for a project, or artwork that is replacing or ammending existing art?

Upload Files
The files you are uploading, you may select multiple files, each file must be clearly named, and each filename must not exceed 12 characters.

Please use this space to communicate additional information to the editorial designer such as alternative contact information, descriptions of the files, or any production alerts associated to these files.

If you have any technical questions regarding the upload form, please send an email to our web guy and we will respond as soon as possible. To accomodate unusually large files or formats that are not normally handled by this form, please contact the editorial or design team you are working with so we can provide a more appropriate means of conveyance.